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  • How to Install Forex Trade Copier 4

  • If you don't have our program, please download the Forex Copier 4 here: https://forexcopier.com/download/downloadLinkTradeCopier4

    01. Open Forex Copier 4 installer.

    02. Read the End-User License Agreement (EULA) and click the "I Agree" button if you agree with EULA terms

    03. Choose folder and click “Install”

    Wait for the installation to be finished.

    04. Click the "Add source" button.

    05. Select the necessary platform. After that add the Meta Trader 4/5 or cTrader®platform from the list by clicking on “Browse”.

    06. Please choose "Use all default copying settings" and click "Next".

    07. To add another Source account, please repeat the operation one more time.

    08. To add the Receiver account please click the "Add Receiver" button.

    09. Select the necessary platform. After that add the Meta Trader 4/5 or cTrader®platform from the list by clicking on “Browse”. Then "Use all default copying settings" and click"Next".

    10. At this step enable button(s) of available sources to connect this Receiver to the specific Source or click on the “Connect all Sources” button to connect this Receiver to all Sources added to the copying scheme. After that click "Create" to save changes.

    11. At this step you can switch off the toggle button(s) of available sources to disconnect this Receiver from the specific Source or click the “Disable all Sources” button to disconnect this Receiver from all Sources.

  • Forex Trade Copier 4: How to Register It Super Quickly

  • To register Forex Copier 4 please open the program and click on Register → Register program in the main menu.

    If you have a Forex Copier license, please enter your name, email and license key into the appropriate fields below and click the "Activate" button.

    If the registration is finished successfully you will see the "The product has been successfully registered" message.

  • 6 simple steps to configure Source quickly

  • To set up the Source preferences, please click the necessary Source terminal box in the Forex Copier main window and click the "Settings" button.

    * MetaTrader®, MetaTrader 5®, MT4®, MT5® are the registered trademarks of MetaQuotes Software Corp. The developers of Forex Copier are not affiliated with MetaQuotes Software Corp.

    The account setup window contains tabs with the settings described below.

    General settings

    Edit the account name allows changing the Source platform name.

    Choose the trading platform path option gives the ability to select the path to the MT4/MT5© trading platform

    Enabling of Expert label messagefor receivers will show your label in the chart comments for all Receivers.

    Enable copying for accounts - you can enter the number of allowed account(s) there, in this case, our software will work on this account only and it will be disabled if you change an account to another one. Click the Open list button to add/remove the account(s) in it.

    Copy modify or delete an order if the account number isnot allowed - checkthis option if you want to send the closing or modification of the existing orders to accounts that are not allowed. New orders will not be copied.

    Also, on the General settings tab, you can activate the “Send an email notification” feature. If it is activated, our software will send email notifications to the specified email address when an error occurs.

    To add the email address, please enable the notification by clicking the “ON” button, then enter it in the field below and click the Update button to save changes.

    Lot/Risk management

    Options here allow you to choose the method of lot calculation for copied orders. To customize the lot size click the “ON “ button.

    If the Use custom lot size setting is on, you can select the necessary option which allows you to change the lot size of copied orders. It allows you to decrease or increase the resulting lot to suit your requirements for your account.
    Multiply every lot by - the lot size of copied order will be multiplied by entered value. For example, if you set Multiply every lot by 2 and open the order with the lot size = 2 on the Source account then this order will be copied to the Receiver account with lot size = 4.
    Multiply each lot by - the lot size of copied order will be multiplied by entered value for each Receiver terminal.

    Orders Filtering

    Settings on this tab allow you to choose what kind of orders you don't want to be copied to the Receiver account(s).

    Track the number of open orders before opening an order – this option allows you to create an indentation step in copying orders. For example, you can choose to skip 2 orders, which means that the orders will begin to be copied to the receiver accounts only after 2 skipped ones.

    To configure skipping orders for each symbol, enable Track the number of open orders before the order opening and click the Open order settings button.

    Filter orders by current profit/loss value – you can set allowed price changes when orders will be copied. You can set loss/profit value.

    For example, if you set this parameter "5 pips" and "profit", in this case, if the Source account the Buy order at 1.0000is opened, this order will be copied to the Receiver account(s) only when the price reaches 1.0005 (1.0000+5 pips).

    Copying orders by type - you can set which types of operations with market orders will not be copied. Just check the necessary option: "Do not copy BUY", "Do not copy SELL", "Do not copy Close/Delete, and "Do not copy Modify".Forex Copier copies each type of order as well as orders modifying and closing by default.

    Copy pending orders - you can set which types of pending orders will not be copied. Just check the necessaryoption. You can enable" Do not copy BUY STOP", Do not copy BUY LIMIT"," Do not copy SELL STOP"," Do not copy SELL LIMIT", "Do not copy BUY executions" and "Do not copy SELL executions" properties. Forex Copiercopies each type of pending order but doesn't copy pending orders executions by default.

    Emergency stop

    The settings on this tab allow you to set the parameters for stopping trading in the event of situations that could risk the account deposit. To enable these properties just click the “ON “ button.

    Stop copying if the Equity level is less than ... (in the base currency of your account) –when this option is enabled Copier will stop sending "Open order" signals to the Receiver terminal in a case when the Equity level of this Source account is less than the value in "Stop copying..." field.

    Stop copying if Drawdown Percent is higher than ... – when this option is enabled Copier will stop sending "Open order" signals to the Receiver terminal in the case when the Drawdown percent of this Source account is bigger than a preselected value. Drawdown is calculated as the difference between currentEquity and maximum historical Equity in percentage.

    Stop copying if the Drawdown Value is bigger than ... (in the base currency of your account) –when this option is enabled Copier will stop sending "Open order" signals to the Receiver terminal in the case when the Drawdown value of this Source account is bigger than the preselected value.

    Comments management

    This feature serves for sending the specified comments to the Receivers. To enable check the “Send this comment to all Receivers” button and specify the value in the appropriate field.

    Advanced settings

    On this tab, you can configure some advanced settings. Please change the parameters carefully, unless you are sure that the change will not affect copying, we recommend you do not modify these settings.

    Copy at the specified time - this option allows you to set copy intervals for more flexible use of the Forex Copier app. You can choose one of the ready-made Time templates, depending on the market hours where you trade more often, or you can set up individual preferences for copying. This setting allows you to select specific hours, days of the week,and even particular dates on which Forex Copier will copy.

    Allow symbol name auto-configuration - this feature allows the Forex Copier program to auto-detect the symbol names that are different from the conventional ones. A lot of brokers use suffixes and prefixes in the names of the trading instruments, that’s why it is necessary to “teach” the program how to determine the names. Forex Copier is clever enough and knows the most popular suffixes and prefixes, so you do not need to disable this option.

    In case the Forex Copier cannot auto-match the symbol names on the Source and Receiver accounts, please disable this auto-configuration and set up suffixes/prefixes manually. Just click the “OFF” button.

    When this setting is off you can:

    Remove this prefix from the symbol name of copied orders. If the broker has some Prefix in the currency pair name (like "aEURUSD") then you need to enter this prefix ("a" in the example) into this setting.

    Remove this suffix from the symbol name of copied orders.If the Source broker has some Suffix in the currency pair name (like "EURUSDfx") and the Receiver's broker has another suffix thenyou need to enter this suffix ("fx" in the example) into this setting.

    Problem Manager - in this section you can choose the necessary options that can be fixed automatically by the issue manager.

    Show info labels on the chart - if this parameter is on then Copier will show the information labels in the left-bottom corner of the chart.

    Write advanced logs - if this parameter is on then Copier will write more detailed information in log files, this parameter is used for debugging purposes. Be careful with this feature, because advanced logs can take up a lot of space on your hard disk.

    Save logs to a file - if this option is enabled then Forex Copier will save logs about each step it takes. Please note that enabling this setting can slightly decrease a copying speed.

    Open trading platform logs - сlick this button to open the window where you can see the trading platform logs saved to the file.


    Templates allow you to configure the parameters quickly. For instance, you can adjust the settings for only one Source/Receiver, save them as templates and apply them to all the further Sources/Receivers to be added to the copying scheme.


  • To set up the Receiver preferences, please click the necessary Receiver terminal box in the Forex Copier main window and click the "Settings" button.

    The configuration window contains the tabs described below.


    On this tab, you can adjust some general settings.

    Edit the account name - in this field can change the Receiver’s name which is shown in the main program window.

    Choose the platform path - select the trading platform path from the dropdown list or click the “Browse” button to find it.

    Copy orders - this option allows you to set up a date and time until the copying to this account will be performed.Disable this option and copying will be paused until you enable it again.

    Enable copying for accounts - you can enter a number of allowed account(s) there, in this case, our software will work on this account only and it will be disabled if you change an account to another one. Click the Open list button to add/remove the account(s) in it.

    Copy modify or delete an order if the account number isnot allowed - сheck this option if you want to send the closing or modification of the existing orders to accounts that are not allowed. New orders will not be copied.

    Also, on the” General settings” tab, you can activate the “Send an email notification” feature. If it is activated, our software will send email notifications to the specified email address when an error occurs.

    To add the email address, please enable the notification by clicking the “ON” button, then enter it into the field below and click the “Update button to save changes”.

    Lot/Risk management

    These settings allow you to choose the method of lot calculation for copied orders to the Receivers.

    By default, the program copies a trade with the same lot size as at the Source. If you need to change the lot size of trades opened on Receiver, you should enable the “Use custom lot size” setting by clicking the “ON” button.

    If the Use custom lot size setting is on, you can select the necessary option which allows you to change the lot size of copied orders. It allows you to decrease or increase the resulting lot to suit your requirements for your account.

    Custom lot/risk management options:

    • Multiply lot size from Source account by – the lot that the Source EA opens on his account will be multiplied by this value. It allows you to decrease or increase the resulting lot to suit your trade account requirements.
    • For example, the Source trades on a $1000 account, and the Receiver’s account is $50000. If you copy the Source's trades with the same lot size you will get a too-small profit. So you can set the lot multiplier = 50, so when the Source EA opens a position with the lot = 0.1, the Receiver will get a position with the lot = 5.

      Another example: the Source EA trades on account $200000, and the Receiver account is $10000. It will be dangerous for your Receiver account to open the same lot, sometimes it will be impossible. So, you can set the lot multiplier = 0.2 and when the Source opens a position with lot = 10, the Receiver will get a position with the lot = 2.

      Note. If the resulting lot is smaller than the minimum lot allowed by your broker, the minimal lot will be used.

    • Set the proportional lot based on the Source/Receiver Equity ratio – this option allows opening orders with a proportional lot size based on the ratio of Source and Receiver accounts Equity. It allows you to decrease/increase the resulting lot to suit your account requirements.
    • You can also multiply the result by some value by checking “And multiply the result by”.

      For example: If the Source account equity (in USD equivalent) is 10000 and the original lot size is 2 and the Receiver account is 2000. In this case, the Receiver account will open on order with the 0.4 lot size.

    • Use the fixed lot for copied orders – allows setting any lot size. In this case, the Source's lot size will be ignored and the lot size for each order on the Receiver side will be fixed according to the specified value.
    • Set the maximum percentage of Equity risk per one order- allows you to manage Equity risk for an order. The lot will be calculated using the specified risk percentage.
    • For example, you want to risk only 1% of equity if the trade closes by Stop Loss.

      The Forex Copier EA will copy the original trade but the size of the position will be modified according to the percentage risk.

      Note that the original order should have the Stop Loss level for this option to work.

    • Consider provider's leverage – if this setting is enabled, Forex Copier will multiply the order lot size by the difference in leverages in Source and Receiver.
    • Example: if you copy orders from an account with a leverage of 1:100 to an account with a leverage of 1:200 and enable this setting, Forex Copier software will copy all orders with 2 times bigger lot size.

    • Lot size for specific currencies – here you can set a different lot multiplier for each symbol. Just click the “Change” button to fill the table of currencies and their lots.
    • For example, you can set a lot multiplier=2 for EURUSD and lot multiplier=3 for XAUUSD, in this case, the Forex Copier program will copy the order with different lot sizes for these two symbols.

    Reverse mode

    If you would like Copier to reverse Provider's trades, you can enable the “Reverse mode” by clicking the "ON” button.

    In this case Copier will place orders with type opposite to Source’s order type:

    • BUY order will be copied as SELL
    • SELL order will be copied as BUY
    • SELL Stop order will be copied as BUY Limit
    • SELL Limit order will be copied as BUY Stop
    • BUY Stop order will be copied as SELL Limit
    • BUY Limit order will be copied as SELL Stop

    You can adjust the details of reversing orders as well:

    Reverse Stop Loss and Take Profit - if this parameter checked, then Receiver’s StopLoss will be equal to Source’s TakeProfit and vice versa.

    Consider spreads in reverse mode for pending orders - if the parameter is enabled, then in Reverse mode the Pending orders’ entry price will be adjusted according to the Processor’s spread value.

    SL/TP settings

    The settings on this tab allow you to adjust stop loss and take profit of copied orders.

    By default, the program copies trade with the same SL/TP as at the Source. If you need to change the Stop Loss/Take Profit of the trades opened on Receiver, you should enable the "Adjust Stop Loss/Take Profit" setting by clicking the “ON “ button.

    Copy orders without SL/TP – if this option is selected then Source's Take Profit and Stop Loss levels will be ignored and the Receiver’s trades will be opened without SL/TP.

    Here you can check the settings for market or pending orders to which copying without SL will be applied:

    Apply to market orders

    Apply to pending orders

    Place SL/TP exactly at the Source account prices (even if the entry price differs) – in case this option is checked, Stop Loss and Take Profit will be placed on the Receiver's account on the same levels as on the Source account.

    Set fixed SL/TP in pips – here you can define stop Loss and take profit in pips (1 pip = 0.0001 for non - JPY pairs, and 0.01 for JPY- pairs). Source's orders will always be copied to the Receiver account with specified SL/TP.

    For example: If you set Stop Loss=50 pips and Take Profit=30 pips and the Source account sends a Buy order with execution price at 1.0000, SL at 0.9900, TP at 1.0010. Forex Copier will set SL at 0.9950 and TP at 1.0030 as it is set.

    Stop Loss Pips - defines the fixed Stop Loss value for every copied order, the value should be determined in pips (1 pip = 0.0001 for non - JPY pairs, and 0.01 for JPY- pairs).

    Take Profit Pips - defines the fixed Take Profit value for every copied order, the value should be determined in pips (1 pip = 0.0001 for non - JPY pairs, and 0.01 for JPY- pairs).

    Price adjustments

    The settings on this tab allow you to set specific price frames, the order will be copied only when the price reaches the specified level or range.

    To activate this Forex Copier feature please click the “ON” button near the "Wait for a better price before opening/closing market orders“ setting.

    Price adjustments for opening orders – allows setting price criteria for orders opening on Receiver.
    Open order immediately at current market price - when the option is selected the orders will be immediately copied on the Receiver at the current market price.

    The open price on the Receiver account should be:

    • At least better (Than the original price on the Source) - the order will be copied only when the price reaches the specified or better level.
    • Equal or better (Than the original price on the Source) - the order will be copied on the Receiver account only when the price will be the same or better than on the Source account.
    • No worse (Than the original price on the Source) - the order opens on the Receiver account if the price is better, the same, or worse (no more than the specified value in pips).

    Price adjustments for closing orders - allows setting price conditions for orders closing on Receiver.

    Close order immediately at current market price - the order will be closed immediately on the Receiver after it closes on the Source account (regardless of the Receiver price level).

    Close when the price is at least … or more pips better than the Source order close price - in this case, the order on the Receiver account will be closed only if the price is better than the Source's price.

    Close anyway if the price on Receiver is 1 (or more) pips worse than the Source order close price - the order will be closed when the Source account price is worse than the Receiver's price by the specified value.

    Close when Profit of the order is- the order will be closed only if it gained the specified profit in pips.

    Close anyway if the price on the Receiver is 1 (or more) pips worse than the Source order close price - the order will be closed when the Source account price is worse than the Receiver's price by the specified value.

    Note. The program will set the values of SL and TP when using these settings.

    Filtering orders

    These settings allow choosing what kind of orders should not be copied to the Receiver account.

    Filtering rules – there are general options for filtering orders.

    The max difference between the Source open price the and current market price - here you can set the number of pips that the Source and Receiver prices can differ during the copying process.

    For example: if the order on the Source account is opened with 0.9950 and the settled value in this setting is 15, in this case, the order won't be opened on the Receiver terminal if the price is more than 0.9965 or less than 0.9935.

    Ignore orders which were opened … minutes ago or earlier – this setting allows you to choose how long can market order wait for some conditions to open on the Receiver account. This setting value is 60 minutes by default.

    Filter by a number of orders:

    Ignore new BUY orders if a current number of opened BUY orders is – this setting allows you to ignore the number of BUY orders permitted on the Receiver terminal, if the number of opened BUY orders on this terminal is equal or bigger than this parameter, all new tasks from the Source will be ignored.

    Ignore new SELL orders if a current number of opened SELL orders is – this setting allows you to ignore the number of SELL orders permitted in the Receiver terminal if the number of the opened SELL orders on this terminal is equal or bigger than this parameter, all new tasks from the Source will be ignored

    Ignore new orders if a current number of opened orders is - this setting defines the number of orders allowed on the Receiver terminal. If the number of opened orders on this account is equal to or bigger than this value, all new tasks from the Source will be ignored.

    For example, you have set "Ignore new orders if the current number of opened orders is 5 or more." Currently, there are 2 BUY orders and 2 BUY STOP orders on the Receiver terminal. After that, the Forex Copier gets the new task from the Source (let's say to open a SELL order). This order will be processed, so you'll have 2 BUY + 1 SELL + 2 BUY STOP = 5 tasks in total. After that, the Forex Copier gets another task from the Source (let's say SELL LIMIT order). In this case, the task will NOT be processed because the total number of orders on the Receiver terminal is 5.

    Ignore new orders for symbol if a current number of orders for this symbol is - defines the number of orders allowed for the particular symbol on the Receiver terminal. If the number of orders on this account for this symbol is more or equal to this value, all new tasks from the Source EA will be ignored.

    For example, you have set “Ignore new orders for symbol if the current number of orders for this symbol is 2 or more”. Currently, there are 2 BUY EURUSD orders and 2 BUY STOP GBPUSD orders on the Receiver terminal. After that, the Forex Copier gets the new task from the Source (let's say SELL USDJPY order). This order will be processed, so you'll have 2 EURUSD orders + 2 GBPUSD orders + 1 USDJPY order. After that, the Forex Copier gets another task from the Source (let's say BUY STOP EURUSD order). In this case, this task will NOT be processed because the total number of orders for EURUSD = 2.

    Filter by the lot size – this setting allows you to enable the orders filtering by the lot size.

    Ignore orders with lot size :

    • Smaller than
    • Bigger than

    This setting defines lot frames, within which the orders will be processed.

    For example: If you set "Ignore orders with lot size smaller than 0.5 lots or bigger than 3 lots" orders with lots 0.5-3 will proceed, and orders with 0.4 or 5 lot size won't copy to the Receiver account.

    Ignore new orders if total sum of lots of current orders is … or more – defines max sum of lots.

    Ignore new orders if the total sum of current orders lots is at least – defines the max sum of currently opened orders lots. For example, you can set "Ignore new orders if the total sum of lots of current orders is 10 or more".

    So, if there will be 6 orders on the Receiver account:4 SELL orders with lot = 2 and 2 BUY orders with lot = 1 (total amount of lots = 10)

    In this case, if the Source opens an order with any lot size, it won't be processed.

    Note, that if one of the current orders on the Receiver will be closed/deleted, the next opened on the Source order will be processed.

    Include pending orders in the sum calculation

    Check this option if you want to consider the pending orders lots into the max lot sum calculation

    Currency pairs filter - option allows filtering orders by symbol name. If this parameter is off, the program will process orders for all pairs. If this parameter is on then only specified pairs will be processed.

    To add currency pairs to the list, please click the "Open" button, add the currency pair’s name (exactly as they are named in your terminal) then click the “Apply” button to save the list.

    In this case orders only for this currency pair(s) will be copied to the Receiver account

    Magic number filter - allows filtering orders according to their magic numbers. If this parameter is empty and off then the program will process all orders. If this parameter is not empty and on then only orders with specified magic numbers will be processed.

    To add a magic number to the list, please click the “Open” button, add the magic numbers in the window that appeared, then click the “Apply” button to save changes.

    Copy orders by type – here you can turn on copying of BUY, SELL, Close/Delete or Modify market orders for this Receiver account only.

    Copy pending orders – here you can turn on copying of pending orders by type (BUY STOP, BUY LIMIT, SELL STOP, SELL LIMIT, BUY EXECUTIONS, SELL EXECUTIONS)

    Whitelist comments – enables copying for orders with specified comments.

    Blacklist comments – disables copying for orders with specified comments.

    To add a comment to the Whitelist or Blacklist, please click the “Open” button near the appropriate option, add the comment in the window that appeared, then click the “Apply” button to save changes.

    Emergency stop

    These settings allow you to adjust the stop trading parameter when some critical situations appear to avoid huge losses.

    To enable this property turn on the "Use emergency stop" option by clicking the “ON” button.

    Stop copying if:

    The Equity level is less than … (in the base currency of your account) – when this option is enabled Copier will stop receiving signals from the Source in case the Equity level of the Receiver account is less than the entered value. To enable this option, just check it and specify the Equity level.

    The Drawdown Percent is higher than … – when this option is enabled Copier will stop receiving the signals for orders opening from the Source in case the Drawdown percent of the Receiver account is higher than the specified value. Drawdown is calculated as the difference between current Equity and maximum historical Equity in percentage. To enable this option, please check it and specify the Drawdown %

    The Drawdown Value is bigger than … (in the base currency of your account) – when this option is enabled Copier will stop receiving the signals for orders opening from the Source in case the Drawdown value of the Receiver account is bigger than the specified value. To enable this option, please check it and specify the Drawdown value.

    Close all orders if one of the above conditions is met – if this setting is checked, all orders will be immediately closed if one of the conditions described above happens.

    Note. If at least one of the conditions above is true, all new orders in your receiver account will keep closing. The orders will stop closing when all of the conditions above are no longer met or if the setting is disabled.

    Close all orders if:

    The profit reaches a certain percentage of the account balance – if this setting is enabled then the Forex Copier program will stop copying and close all orders when the profit reaches the specified % of the account balance.

    The profit reaches a certain value – this setting is enabled then Forex Copier will stop copying and close all orders if your receiver’s profit reaches the predefined value in USD.

    Event sounds

    The settings on this tab define the sounds to be played when the order or some changes appears. Please, click on the “Custom” button to choose the sound.

    Also, you can turn off all of the events sounds in your terminal, by clicking the “OFF” button near the “Play sounds on events” option.

    • "Copy market order" sound - this setting defines the sound to be played when the new market order is opened (for example, OpenSnd.wav). Sound files should be placed in the "Sounds" folder. Sound files should have *.wav format.
    • "Copy pending order" sound - defines the sound to be played when the new pending order is placed. Sound files should be placed in the "Sounds" folder. Sound files should have *.wav format.
    • "Modify order" sound - defines the sound to be played when some order is modified. Sound files should be placed in the "Sounds" folder. Sound files should have *.wav format.
    • "Close order" sound - defines the sound to be played when some order is closed. Sound files should be placed in the "Sounds" folder. Sound files should have *.wav format.

    Please note that if you want to reproduce these sounds, you should enable events in your terminal (Tools->Options->Events->uncheck Enable)

    Comments management

    Put the original order number from Source into a comment on Receiver- in this case, Copier puts the original order ticket into copied order comment.

    Put an original comment from Source into a comment on Receiver- if this setting is checked, all copied orders will have the Source's comment.

    For example, the Source order’s comment is “12345”. If this setting is checked, the order on the Receiver account will be opened also with the comment “12345”.

    Set this comment for each copied order on Receiver – allows setting the common comment to every order.

    For example, you want to differentiate orders that were copied on the Receiver account and orders that were opened on this account.

    Set empty comments for each copied order on Receiver – if this setting is enabled then copying orders will not have any comments.

    Copy the order magic number of the Source account as a comment on the Receiver account - this allows putting the order's magic number onto a comment on the Receiver account.

    Advanced settings

    This tab contains settings that, if changed, may cause copying to stop. We recommend you configure settings here if you know exactly why you want to adjust the parameter.

    Slippage - is used when the signal is sent to the trading platform’s server. Slippage defines the maximum difference between the price which is sent to the trading platform’s server and the actual execution price If the slippage is too small then Copier will have to try opening orders many times. If slippage is too big then orders on Source and Receiver accounts can be opened with a big price difference. Slippage is defined in pips, 1 pip = 0.0001 for non-JPY pairs and 0.01 for JPY pairs.

    Max number of attempts to execute the order if the trading terminal cannot open the order – defines how many times our software will try to open order if a broker rejects it.

    Symbol name mapping - allows copying orders for the currencies with entirely different names (for example XAUUSD -> GOLD). Forex Copier has a default list of mapping symbols, but you can add new symbols or remove them by clicking the "Edit" button.

    Copy at the specified time – this setting allows restriction of the copying process by time, day of the week, or day of the month.

    For example, here you can set orders copying only from 08:00 to 17:00 only on Thursday or only from the 21st to the 29th day of the month, etc.

    Orders will be closed in … minutes – defines the lifetime of the order. For example, if you put 120 there, Forex Copier will close the order automatically after 2 hours from opening.

    If this setting is off then you can add the necessary suffix/prefix to the currency pair by yourself.

    For example, if Source and Receiver brokers have differences in currency pair suffixes then Copier will adjust currency pairs names automatically.

    For example: "EURUSD" ->" EURUSDfx", "EURUSD." ->" EURUSD" or “EURUSDfxf”>”EURUSDa”, etc

    • Add this prefix to the symbol name of copied orders - if the broker has a Prefix in the currency pair name (like "pEURUSD") then you need to enter this prefix ("p" in the example) into this setting field.
    • Add this suffix to the symbol name of copied orders - if the Source broker has some Suffix in the currency pair name and the Receiver's broker has another suffix (like "EURUSDm") then you need to enter this suffix ("m" in the example) into this setting.

    Select a symbol in the market watch - this option allows the Forex Copier expert to add the required currency pair to the Market Watch after receiving the first deal for a new symbol.

    Show info labels on a chart – this setting allows you to choose whether labels on the chart will be shown or not. Info labels are the text blocks that will be shown in MT4 with the green and yellow colors if the checkbox is on.

    Enable the maximum order size – defines the maximum allowed lot size for a copied order. If the received lot size is bigger than the maximum allowed one, the order will be copied with a maximum allowed size.

  • How to Install Forex Copier Remote 2

  • If you do not have Forex Copier Remote 2 installed on your computer, you can download it here: https://forexcopier.com/products/fcremote2

    In case you need to install Provider Part:

    01. Open Forex Copier Remote 2 Provider installer

    02. Read End-User License Agreement (EULA) and click on "Accept License" checkbox if you agree with EULA terms

    03. Choose folder and click “Install”

    Congratulations! Installation is completed!

    In case you need to install Receiver Part:

    01. Open Forex Copier Remote 2 Receiver installer

    02. Read End-User License Agreement (EULA) and click on "Accept License" checkbox if you agree with EULA terms

    03. Choose folder and click “Install”

    Congratulations! Installation is completed!

  • How to Register Forex Copier Remote 2

  • Registration Forex Copier Remote 2 Provider application

    01. To register Forex Copier Remote 2 Provider please open the program and click on Register → Registration in main menu. Also, you can click on Demo to register Forex Copier Remote 2 super quickly.

    02. Enter your registration key in “Register product” window and click “Register the program” button.

    Registration Forex Copier Remote 2 Receiver application

    01. To register Forex Copier Remote 2 Receiver please open the program and click on Help → Log in in main menu.

    02. Enter email and password, which you received in a letter from a signal provider. Click “Register” button and wait until the end of registration process.

    If the registration is finished successfully you will see "Registered" message.

  • How to Configure Forex Copier Remote 2 Provider application

  • To configure Forex Copier Remote 2 Provider please click on Options → Terminal options in main menu.

    01. Lot/risk management

    Allows you to choose the method of lot calculation for copied orders.

    Send exact lot size from this Source account to all Receiver account(s) – lot size of copied orders will be the same as on Source account.

    Use custom lot size – here you can select necessary option which allow you to change lot size of copied orders. It allows you to decrease or increase resulting lot to suit your requirements to your account.

    Multiply every lot by - lot size of copied order will be multiplied by entered value. For example, if you set Multiply every lot by 2 and open an order with lot size = 2 on the Source account then this order will be copied to Receiver account with lot size = 4.

    Default settings button - allows you to reset all the settings to default.

    Prev button - allows you to return to previous settings tab.

    Next button - allows you to go to next settings tab.

    Save and finish button - allows you to save all the setting changes. Please do not forget to click it to apply all the changes.

    02. Filtering orders

    This function allows you to choose what kind of orders you don’t want to be copied to Receiver account(s).

    If “Copy all orders” is enabled, orders will be copied.

    Filter orders by current profit/loss value – you can set allowed price changes, when orders will be copied. You can set loss/profit value. For example, if you set this parameter “5 pips” and “profit”, in this case if Source account opens Buy order at 1.0000. This order will be copied to Receiver account(s) only when price reaches 1.0005 (1.0000+5 pips).

    Other properties are for filtering orders by type: you can disable of copying BUY, SELL, pending orders, execution orders, BUY STOP, BUY LIMIT, SELL STOP, SELL LIMIT. Also you can set “Do not copy Close/Delete” and “Do not copy Modify” properties.

    To apply all the changes, please click on the Save and finish button.

    03. Emergency stop

    Allows to set stop trading parameter when concrete situations appear. To enable this property, you should check “Use emergency stop” radio button.

    Stop copying if Equity level is less than … (in base currency of your account) – when this option is enabled Copier will stop sending "Open order" signals to Receiver terminal in case when Equity level of this Source account is less than value in “Stop copying…” field.

    Stop copying if Drawdown Percent is bigger than … – when this option is enabled Copier will stop sending "Open order" signals to Receiver terminal in case when Drawdown percent of this Source account is bigger than preselected value. Drawdown is calculated as the difference between current Equity and maximum historical Equity in percentage.

    Stop copying if Drawdown Value is bigger than … (in base currency of your account) – when this option is enabled Copier will stop sending "Open order" signals to Receiver terminal in case when Drawdown value of this Source account is bigger than preselected value.

    To apply all the changes, please click on the Save and finish button.

    04. Problem Manager

    The “Problem Manager” tab in Forex Copier offers essential options to enhance the copying process and automatically resolve certain issues.

    The Copier Expert Advisor on a Chart feature verifies if the Expert Advisor (EA) is running on the correct symbol chart within the trading terminal. This ensures accurate trading signals and reduces the risk of errors. The program automatically sets the correct chart symbol for the EA, requiring a terminal restart for the fix.

    The Copier Expert Advisor Version option checks if all necessary EA and DLL files are up-to-date and correct. Outdated or incorrect files can lead to errors, so the program replaces them with the correct ones, requiring a terminal restart for the fix.

    The Terminal Status Check feature ensures the trading terminal is running, enabling the software to connect and perform trading operations. If the terminal is not running, the program automatically launches it.

    Multiple EAs on Charts Fixing verifies if multiple instances of the SourceEA are running on opened charts, which can cause conflicts. The program removes all Copier EAs except one, ensuring only one instance is active. A terminal restart is required for the fix.

    Auto-trading and DLL Settings Check verifies if necessary settings for Auto Trading and DLL are enabled in the terminal. The program automatically enables these options to ensure optimal EA performance. A terminal restart is required for the fix.

    Copier Expert Advisor Settings ensures trading settings in the terminal match those in the EA to prevent errors and losses. The program updates the terminal settings accordingly, ensuring accurate trading signals. No terminal restart is required for this fix.

    Please note that these options are not available for cTrader® accounts.

    05. Advanced settings

    This input allows to change some advanced settings. Please, note that it is not recommended to change it without need.

    Remove this prefix from symbol name of copied orders. If the broker has some Prefix in currency pair name (like “aEURUSD”) then you need to enter this prefix (“a” in example) into this setting.

    Remove this suffix from symbol name of copied orders. If the Source broker has some Suffix in currency pair name (like “EURUSDfx”) and Receiver’s broker has another suffix, then you need to enter this suffix (“fx” in example) into this setting.

    Restrict allowed MT® accounts - When this parameter is activated, the Edit accounts list button appears. When you click the Edit accounts list button, the Edit allowed Account numbers window opens. The Add button allows you to add the MT® account number from which the provider wishes to provide orders to the receivers. The Remove button allows you to delete the entered account number.

    * MetaTrader®, MetaTrader 5®, MT4®, MT5® are the registered trademarks of MetaQuotes Software Corp. The developers of Forex Copier are not affiliated with MetaQuotes Software Corp.

    Show info labels on chart - if this parameter checked then Copier will show the information labels in the left-top corner of the chart.

    Write advanced logs - if this parameter checked then Copier will write more detailed information in log files, this parameter is used for debug purposes.

    To apply all the changes, please click on the Save and finish button.

  • How to Configure Forex Copier Remote 2 Receiver application

  • To configure Forex Copier Remote 2 Receiver please click on Options → Terminal options in main menu.

    01. Lot/risk management

    This tab allows you to choose the method of lot calculation for copied orders. To enable this setting please check Use custom lot size.

    Use exact lot size from Source account – if this setting checked, all orders will be copied to Receiver with the same lot size.

    Use custom lot size – this property allows to set lot size depend on some terms.

    Multiply lot size from Source account by - lot that Source EA opens on his account will be multiplied by this value. It allows you to decrease or increase resulting lot to suit your requirements to your account.

    For example: Source trades on $1000 account, your account is $50000, if you copy Source’s trades with the same lot size you will get too small profit. So you can set multiplier 50, and when Source EA opens position with lot 0.1 you will get position with lot 5.

    Proportional lot based on Source/Receiver Equity ratio – allows to open orders with proportional lot size based on Source and Receiver accounts Equity. It allows you to decrease or increase resulting lot to suit your requirements to your account. You can also multiply the result by some value.

    For example: If Source account equity (in USD equivalent) is 10000 and original lot size is 2 and Receiver account’s is 2000. In this case Receiver account will open on order with 0.4 lot size.

    Always use fixed lot for copied orders – allows to set any lot size. In this case Source’s lot size will be ignored and the lot size for each order on Receiver side will be set according to entered value.

    Use risk management based on Stop Loss - allows you to manage risk for some specific orders. Lot will be calculated due to settled risk percentage.

    For Example: You want orders to risk only 1% of equity if the trade closes by Stop Loss. Copier EA will copy the original trade but modify the size of position according to the percentage risk.

    Note that the original order should have the Stop Loss level.

    Default settings button - allows you to reset all the settings to default.

    Prev button - allows you to return to previous settings tab.

    Next button - allows you to go to next settings tab.

    Save and finish button - allows you to save all the setting changes. Please do not forget to click it to apply all the changes.

    02. Reverse Mode

    Reverse mode allows you to reverse trade signals from buy to sell and vice versa.

    If you want to reverse provider’s trades, then you should enable this parameter by checking Use Reverse mode. Copy opposite orders from Source account.

    In this case Copier will place orders with type opposite to Source’s order type:

    BUY order will be copied as SELL

    SELL order will be copied as BUY

    SELL Stop order will be copied as BUY Limit

    SELL Limit order will be copied as BUY Stop

    BUY Stop order will be copied as SELL Limit

    BUY Limit order will be copied as SELL Stop

    You can choose details of reversing orders:

    Reverse Stop Loss and Take Profit - if this parameter checked, then Receiver’s Stop Loss will be equal to Source’s Take Profit and vice versa.

    Consider spreads in reverse mode for pending orders - if the parameter is enabled, then in Reverse mode the Pending orders’ entry price will be adjusted according to the Receiver’s spread value.

    See the table below to get more information:

    03. Stop Loss/Take Profit Settings

    The setting on this tab allows to adjust stop loss/take profit properties. To enable this ability please check Adjust Stop Loss/Take Profit radio button.

    Open copied orders without SL/TP – if this item is checked then Source’s Take Profit and Stop Loss levels are ignored.

    Place SL/TP exactly at Source account prices (even if entry price differs) – in case if this property is checked, stop loss and take profit will be placed on Receiver’s account with the same price as on Source account.

    Set fixed SL/TP in pips – here you can define stop loss and take profit in pips (1 pip = 0.0001 for non - JPY pairs, and 0.01 for JPY- pairs). Source’s orders will always be copied to Receiver account with settled SL/TP.

    For example: If you set StopLoss=50 pips and TakeProfit=30 pips and Provider sends Buy order with execution price at 1.0000, SL at 0.9900, TP at 1.0010. Forex Copier Receiver will set SL at 0.9950 and TP at 1.0030 according to these settings.

    Stop Loss Pips - defines the fixed Stop Loss value for every copied order, the value should be determined in pips (1 pip = 0.0001 for non - JPY pairs, and 0.01 for JPY- pairs).

    Take Profit Pips - defines the fixed Take Profit value for every copied order, the value should be determined in pips (1 pip = 0.0001 for non - JPY pairs, and 0.01 for JPY- pairs).

    04. Price adjustments

    This tab allows to set specific price frames, the order will be copied only when settled price arrive. Please check Wait for better price before opening/closing market orders radio button to enable this setting.

    Price adjustments for opening orders – allows to set price frames for opening orders on Receiver.

    Open order immediately at current market price - the order will be opened automatically on Receiver after it opens on Source account despite the price.

    Open price on Receiver account should be at least … pips better than original open price on Source account - the order will be copied only when settled or better price arrive.

    Open price on Receiver account should be equal or better than original open price on Source account - the order will be copied on Receiver account only when the price will be the same or better than on Source account.

    Open price on Receiver account should be no more than … worse than original open price on Source account - in this case order opens on Receiver account if the price is better, the same or (no more then settled number of pips) worse.

    Price adjustments for closing orders - allows choosing conditions for closing orders on Receiver.

    Close order immediately at current market price of Receiver account - the order will be closed automatically on Receiver after it closes on Source account despite the price.

    Close when price is at least … or more pips better than Source order close price - in this case, order on Receiver account will be closed only if price is better than Source’s price.

    Close when order’s profit is at least … pips - the order will be closed only if it has given settled profit in pips.

    05. Filtering orders

    This tab allows to set up what kind of orders should not be copied to Receiver account. To enable filtering orders option please check Ignore some orders from Source account radio button.

    Filtering rules – this is general information about filtering orders.

    Max difference between Source open price and current market price - here you can set number of pips that Source and Receiver prices can differ during copying process.

    For example: if order on Source account is opened with 0.9950 and the settled value in this setting is 15, in this case order won’t be opened on Receiver terminal if the price is more than 0.9965 or less than 0.9935.

    Ignore orders which were opened … minutes ago or earlier – this setting allows to choose how long can market order wait for some conditions till open on Receiver account. This setting is 60 minutes by default.

    Currency pairs filter allows filtering orders by symbol name. If this parameter is unchecked, the program will process orders for all pairs. If this parameter is checked then only specified pairs will be processed. To add currency pair please click on Edit button → Add → Save. In this case orders only for this currency pair(s) will be copied to Receiver account.

    Comments filter - allows filtering orders according to their comments. If this parameter is empty and unchecked, then the program will process orders for all pairs. If this parameter is not empty and checked then only orders with specified comments are processed. To add comment please click on Edit button → Add → Save.

    Magic number filter - allows filtering orders according to their magic numbers. If this parameter is empty and unchecked, then the program will process orders for all pairs. If this parameter is not empty and checked then only orders with specified Magic numbers are processed. To add filter please click on Edit button → Add → Save.

    Filter by number of orders

    Ignore new orders if current number of opened orders is … or more – this setting defines the maximum number of orders allowed on the Receiver terminal, if the number of orders on this terminal is equal or bigger than this parameter then all new tasks from the Source will be ignored.

    Ignore new orders for symbol if current number of orders for this symbol is … or more defines the maximum number of orders allowed for one Symbol on the Receiver terminal, if the number of orders on this terminal for this Symbol is more or equal to this parameter then all new tasks from the Source EA will be ignored.

    Filter by lot size

    Ignore orders with lot size smaller than … lots or bigger than … lots – this setting allow to define lot frames, within which the orders will be processed.

    For example: If you set “Ignore orders with lot size smaller than 0.5 lots or bigger than 3 lots” orders with lots 0.5-3 will proceed, and orders with 0.4 or 5 lot size won’t copy to Receiver account.

    Ignore new orders if total sum of lots of current orders is … or more – defines max sum of lots.

    For example: you can set “Ignore new orders if total sum of lots of current orders is 10 or more”.

    So if there will be 2 orders on Receiver account: SELL with lot 8 and BUY with lot 2, in this case if Source open order with any lot size, it won’t be processed.

    Please, note that if one of the current orders will be deleted, next order will be processed.

    06. Emergency Stop

    On this tab you can set stop trading parameter when some situations appear. To enable this property you should check Use emergency stop.

    Stop copying if Equity level is less than … (in base currency of your account) – when this option is enabled Copier will stop receiving signals from Source terminal in case when Equity level of Receiver account is less than value in Stop copying if Equity level is less than. To enable this option, you should check it.

    Stop copying if Drawdown Percent is bigger than … – when this option is enabled Copier will stop receiving Open order signals from Source terminal in case when Drawdown percent of Receiver account is better than some value. Drawdown is calculated as the difference between current Equity and maximum historical Equity in percentage. To enable this option, you should check it.

    Stop copying if Drawdown Value is bigger than … (in base currency of your account) – when this option is enabled Copier will stop receiving Open order signals from Source terminal in case when Drawdown value of Receiver account is better than some value. To enable this option, you should check it.

    07. Event sounds

    You can configure the custom sounds to be played when the order or some changes appears on this tab. Please, click on draw-down menu to choose the sound.

    Please note that if you want to reproduce settled sounds, you should enable event sounds in your terminal (Tools -> Options -> Events -> uncheck Enable sound events).

    08. Comments management

    This setting allows choosing what comment should be attached to copied orders.

    Put original order number from Source into comment on Receiver. In this case Copier puts original order ticket into copied order comment.

    Put original comment from Source into comment on Receiver. If this setting checked, all copied orders will have Source’s comment.

    For example: Source’s order has 12345 comment. If this setting checked, order on Receiver account will be opened with 12345 comment too.

    Set this comment for each copied order on Receiver – allows setting the common comment to every order.

    For example: You want to differentiate orders that were copied on Receiver account and orders that were opened on this account.

    09. Advanced Settings

    We do not recommend to change any of these settings if you are not advanced user.

    Slippage - is used when the signal is sent to the MetaTrader® server. Slippage defines maximum difference between the price which sent to the MetaTrader® sever and actual execution price. If slippage is too small then Copier will have to try opening orders many times. If slippage is too big then orders on Source and Receiver accounts can be opened with big price difference. Slippage is defined in pips, 1 pip = 0.0001 for non-JPY pairs and 0.01 for JPY pairs.

    * MetaTrader®, MetaTrader 5®, MT4®, MT5® are the registered trademarks of MetaQuotes Software Corp. The developers of Forex Copier are not affiliated with MetaQuotes Software Corp.

    Symbol name mapping - allows to copy orders for the currencies with completely different names (for example XAUUSD -> GOLD). Forex Copier has default list of mapping symbols, but you can add new symbols or remove them by clicking “Edit” button.

    Allow auto adjusting symbol names - if this setting is enabled then you will allow the Copier to adjust the currency pair names automatically. Note, that Add Prefix and Add Suffix fields should be disabled in this case.

    For example, if Source and Receiver accounts brokers have differences in currency pair suffixes then Copier will adjust currency pairs names automatically

    Manual symbol name management – allows to adjust the currency pair names with suffixes and prefixes manually. (Please, note that Allow auto adjusting symbol names setting should be disabled).

    Add this prefix to symbol name of copied orders – allows specify the prefix for the name of the currency on this account.

    Add this suffix to symbol name of copied orders – allows specify the suffix for the name of the currency on this account.

    Show info labels on chart – this setting allows to choose whether labels on chart will be shown or not. Info labels are the text blocks that will be shown in MT4® with the green and yellow colors if the checkbox is on.

    Write advanced logs – if this parameter checked then Copier will write more detailed information in log files, this parameter is used for debug purposes.

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