Insights from a Super Trader: Unraveling the World of Trading with Mr. Arden from Germany





Author: ???



By tradition, we are back with another interview. And this time, Mr. Arden, a super trader from Germany, visited us. He had a great chat with Diana, discussing a lot of things related to trading and topics that go beyond it. If you are in favor, we will recap their conversation below.

Diana: It is great to talk to you, Arden! I remember we recently contacted you about Forex Copier 4 beta testing. It was helpful to get your feedback. We have even fixed several tiny imperfections that you helped us reveal.

Arden: Hi, Diana! I am also glad to hear from you again. It was one of the best beta test experiences I have ever had. It was a pleasure to communicate with you and the team lead. It was an honor to test a new version of Forex Copier since I am a huge fan of this software. I was happy to be one of the first to try the updated product. 

Diana: Oh, come on! You made me blush. I think our team lead would also turn scarlet if he heard you. Please remind me how long ago you have been in trading. No-no, I am not trying to change the subject at all *laughing*. 

Arden: I have been doing it for about three years. To be precise, I have been doing this for a year for real. Before that, I tried myself here and there from time to time. But all these trading wanderings were not that serious. It was nothing but naughtiness. 

Diana: Arden, when did you start your “naughtiness”?

Arden: I got involved in 2017. I took my first steps in Crypto. Then I tried other areas, such as Stocks, Metals, and Forex. And I started to get more excited closer to the middle of 2021. 

Diana: What is trading for you? 

Arden: Being a trader is 100% freedom (social and financial). Trading means for me to be free and live anywhere I want. You have no worries about getting fired. Before I traded full-time, I was a prisoner of my office and a Mr. Micromanaging Boss. I think it could drive everyone mad. Despite a high salary, I could not stand total supervision. Apparently, at 25, my maximalism shone in new splendor again, refusing to be under constant pressure. Did you think I would just continue to sit there and take it?

Diana: Argh, to be under somebody’s thumb is lousy... Will you continue trading even if something goes wrong?

Arden: Of course, I will keep trading. It is my calling, after all. There is no ceiling to how much I can succeed or how much money I can make. I really like this feeling. 

Diana: What brokers do you use?

Arden: I use Oanda and ICMarkets. А что у нас для стоков и металлов?   

Diana: What about trading platforms?

Arden: I prefer MT that I use for executing trades. I go there to check some reports. Also, I tried MotiveWave and used TradingView for reading charts (there are a lot of features Motivewave does not have). I used cTrader when I was with ICMarkets. Plus, I like, …

Diana: When and why did you decide to try to copy trading? 

Arden: My friend experienced something similar before. He advised me to try this path, too. I took his advice to heart about half a year ago. He taught me everything (or almost everything) in the copy-trading field.

Diana: Where did you learn about our product from?

Arden: And again, my friend is involved. He tried to copy trade on several copy trading platforms. But he needed to pay monthly for using the software. And this fact did not satisfy him. So, my friend tried to find something where he does not need to pay each month. And he found your software. And then he talked my ears off about Forex Copier. You know, something like: “Yada yada yada, Forex Copier this. Yada yada, Forex Copier that” *laughing*. This way, I became a happy owner of 1 Source account and 2 Receivers running on my laptop. 

Diana: Have you ever used any copying programs? 

Arden: No, I have not. Forex Copier was my start. 

Diana: What advantages and disadvantages can you note in Forex Copier 4?

Arden: I tested the mockup. I had no difficulties completing the tasks that the team lead offered me. The UI design is user-friendly. As for imperfections… The program had some crushes. For example, the Fix button did not fix the issues by clicking. In other words, it did not make all lines green. I had an issue with the partial closing of trades in Forex Copier 3. It was a small bug. I emailed Support, and the problem was fixed. I do not remember global shortcomings.

Diana: What piece of advice can you give our readers?

Arden: You should not give up. Never. If you chose to give up instead of giving it your all… Well… It is sad. But if you keep seeking the easiest paths you might jeopardize your money and efforts. You should train your mind as if it is a muscle. Otherwise, you will not end up panicking and making stupid decisions. If you desire to be successful in trading you must get used to stepping out of your comfort zone. 

Diana: Dear Arden, thank you so much for our warm interview. I was happy to talk to you again. I dare to hope you will help us with testing other software and new Forex Copier versions! 

Arden: No problem! I will be happy to help. Catch you later!



