Create Expert Advisors, Indicators, and Other Tools for Trading

Let us guess, you:
Have a trading idea that you desire to bring to life.
Have no coding skills and need some help in FX tool development.
Want to create custom trading tools for different platforms.
Desire to protect your software.
Want to make your trading more successful.
Contact client-friendly companies only.
Look for suitable and reliable programmers.
Don’t make bee’s knees from the easiest thing in the world! Let us give you a tiny piece of advice.

Try 4xDev Services
Our dear partner, the 4xDev team, can create cool Forex trading stuff:
And other FX tools
The 4xDev pro-coders develop exclusive Forex software for various terminals:
MetaTrader 4(5)®
Forex Tester 2-5
Ninja Trader 7(8)

In addition, they can:
Convert your tools into the appropriate format.
Backtest and optimize your Forex software.
Protect your trading stuff with the power of obfuscation or other methods.
Contact the 4xDev Company
If you have any questions, write to 4xDev supporters via
If you want to develop a tool right now, visit their website.
The 4xDev representatives will inform you about deadlines and the approximate price after estimating your order.
Be profitable — With 4xDev blinding tools.